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Warranty conditions

Ikar-Marin LLC (the “Manufacturer”), which manufactures aluminum boats under the Powerboat™ brand name, provides a voluntary limited warranty to the end user subject to the terms and conditions below.

Powerboat warranty benefits

  • 5 years for hull parts and weld seams made of aluminum
  • 3 years for fittings and equipment elements made of stainless steel
  • At least two years for the paintwork
  • Extension of the warranty period for the second and each additional owner

1. application of the warranty terms and conditions

These warranty terms apply to boats purchased by the end user (“Owner”) from an authorized Powerboat™ dealer after January 1, 2022.

The manufacturer assumes responsibility for fulfilling the warranty obligations:

the owner reports the problem within the applicable warranty period;
this case does not fall under the exclusions provided for in this warranty.
The warranty covers the boat, its standard equipment and accessories manufactured or authorized to be installed by the manufacturer. It is at the sole discretion of the manufacturer whether to repair or repair the damaged part of the powerboat

The guarantee does not cover equipment and accessories that the customer has purchased elsewhere and that are not part of the original equipment of the boat.

The warranty does not cover defects in the boat caused by installation carried out by a third party contrary to the manufacturer's instructions and practices or other improper installation.

This Limited Warranty is void if the Powerboat Boat has been used at any time, including by the previous owner, for the following purposes:

for industrial or commercial purposes;
by public authorities;
in sporting competitions and races.
Depending on the legal regulations in the countries in which the boat is sold, the terms of this guarantee may vary.

2. Definition of a defect

A defect or malfunction is a deviation from the standard values specified by the manufacturer that impairs the normal operation of the boat. The existence of a defect or malfunction is determined by an expert. Normal wear and tear, corrosion and ageing caused by harsh operating conditions are not considered defects in the hull and fittings of the boat. For example: storms, low temperatures, salt water, road salt, highly corrosive, alkaline or acidic chemicals, mechanical surface defects caused by friction with sand and stones.

3. liability of the manufacturer

The manufacturer is the guarantor for the fulfillment of these warranty conditions. The manufacturer warrants that the boat will be serviceable and free from defects in workmanship, materials or design throughout the warranty period when the boat is first sold to the buyer.

If one of the above characteristics does not apply, this constitutes a defect within the meaning of section 2 of these warranty conditions. The manufacturer undertakes to rectify at its own expense any defects that have occurred in the boat during the warranty period.

The manufacturer is not responsible for

Defects caused by improper operation of the boat;
defects caused by improper installation or maintenance by third parties;
normal wear and tear.
The manufacturer has the exclusive right to make changes to the design and equipment of the boat in order to improve its performance. The manufacturer’s liability is always limited to the purchase price of the boat and its components, unless the applicable and binding provisions of the legislation of the owner’s country provide otherwise.

4. warranty performance period

This limited warranty begins on the date of delivery of the boat to the first owner and has the following warranty periods:

Boat element
Non-commercial use
Commercial use
Strength and tightness of aluminum body parts and weld seams.
5 years
1 year
Stainless steel fittings, furnishing elements (vinyl, carpet) and their adhesion to surfaces.
3 years
1 year
Plastic trim, consoles, steering and electrical equipment, fuel system, covers, seat covers.
2 years
1 year
Color coating, film coating*
2 years
1 year
Protection of moisture-resistant plywood against swelling and delamination.
2 years
1 year

* The paint warranty covers defects and damage to the painted surface, with the following restrictions
following limitations:

  • minor weather-related changes to the exterior surfaces of the boat
    surfaces of the boat that do not affect the strength or usability of the boat;
  • micro flaking of the paint in the area of screws and holes;
  • minor irregularities in the paintwork or minor surface defects,
    which are not considered defects covered by the warranty.
    If the original owner changes or the boat is otherwise transferred to a third party, the warranty periods shall continue to apply in favor of the new owner until the expiry of the original warranty period.

If the original owner changes or the boat is otherwise transferred to a third party , the warranty periods shall continue to apply in favor of the new owner until the expiry of the original warranty period.

5. limitation of the application of the guarantee conditions

Die folgenden Punkte sind unter keinen Umständen von der Garantie abgedeckt:

  • Teile und Zubehör* , die nicht von einem autorisierten Powerboat™-Händler oder dem Werk von Ikar-Marin LLC installiert wurden, wie z.B.: Außenbordmotoren, Steuerungen, etc, Trolling-Motoren, Ankerausrüstung, Navigationsausrüstung, Audiosysteme und eigenständige Heizgeräte;
  • das Boot wurde unsachgemäß, entgegen den Anweisungen oder fahrlässig benutzt;das Boot mit Zubehör oder Ersatzteilen ausgestattet war, deren Ungeeignetheit, Einbauweise und Funktionsweise zu dem Mangel geführt haben;
  • das Boot wurde bei sportlichen Wettkämpfen oder Rennen eingesetzt;
  • das Boot in einen Unfall verwickelt war;
  • das Boot durch Vandalen oder rechtswidrige Handlungen Dritter beschädigt wurde;
  • das Boot wurde durch den Transport auf einem Autoanhänger mechanisch beschädigt;
  • Nach einem Unfall auf dem Wasser kaufte die Versicherungsgesellschaft das Boot;
  • das Boot unter Verwendung von Ersatzteilen und/oder mit Methoden, die nicht vom Hersteller genehmigt wurden, modifiziert oder repariert wurde;
  • das Boot in einen Unfall verwickelt war oder Witterungseinflüssen, Korrosion oder schädlichen Umweltbedingungen ausgesetzt war;
  • die Oberflächen des Bootes durch eine Oberflächenbehandlung mit für Aluminium schädlichen Chemikalien beschädigt wurden oder das Boot diesen
    ausgesetzt war;
  • Der CIN-Code des Bootes wurde geän

*These parts and accessories may be subject to their own warranty conditions. Please refer to the warranty conditions of the manufacturer of the respective parts and accessories. The warranty does not cover normal wear and tear caused by conditions beyond the manufacturer’s control, such as leakage of electricity from the ground, which can lead to corrosion of aluminum.

6. conditions required for the fulfillment of the warranty obligation

The owner of the boat must inform an authorized Powerboat™ dealer of the defect or damage within four days. At the same time, the use of the boat must be discontinued. The owner must take reasonable measures to prevent the defect or damage from increasing. Ikar-Marin LLC is not liable for any damage caused by the use of the boat after the defect has been discovered. The cost of transporting the boat to the authorized dealer and back for warranty service will be borne by the owner of the boat. The customer must also provide proof of purchase to the authorized Powerboat™ dealer and sign a repair/work order prior to repair.
/work order prior to repair.

7. carrying out warranty repairs

The manufacturer is responsible for the cost of the repair work. All parts and equipment removed from the boat in connection with the repair become the property of the manufacturer. Upon completion of the repair work, the boat must be returned to the authorized Powerboat™ dealer to whom the owner has consigned the boat for repair. After the repair, the warranty for the boat will be extended by the period during which the boat was repaired under warranty, but not more than 90 days. Complaints regarding the quality of warranty repairs must be accepted within ten days of the boat being returned to the owner.

8. relationship between guarantee conditions and mandatory provisions of consumer protection law

This voluntary and limited manufacturer’s warranty does not limit the right of the owner, acting as a consumer, to invoke consumer protection, product liability or other mandatory legal provisions governing consumer protection in the consumer’s home country. Thus, the consumer may invoke mandatory legal provisions if, for example, the statutory rights deviate from this guarantee or if a defect in the boat is discovered after the guarantee period has expired.